To establish an account with Sterling Finishing, Inc...
§ If you are interested in opening or re-establishing an account with Sterling Finishing, you can either download the Acrobat PDF or send us an e-mail
with your request and we will fax over a copy of our New Account Application for your completion. Fax or mail all four (4) pages to us upon completion.
§ Also, if you are sales tax exempt, please include a copy of your properly completed sales tax exempt certificate including your license and employer
identification numbers. Fax or mail the page to us upon completion.
Delaware companies - Since you do not collect a sales tax (and PA does) we will need a letter from you on your company letterhead stating that the goods are for resale and that you are a manufacturer. Also, be sure to include you EIN on the letter. Fax or mail the page to us upon completion.
§ Sterling's PDF's
will automatically open in your Web browser if you have Adobe Acrobat installed. To save these Acrobat PDF documents, you must right-click the link, and select from the popup window Save Target As... - you will then be promted to select the location on your computer where to save the file.